Sunday, 28 April 2013

My Holiday

A short holiday has ended,but I found it went so fast that I didn't do anything impressive during this time. When I reflected on those days,  the only different thing was that I spent a few days in the community centre  doing my volunteer job.

I've been going to the community centre for a few years now to work with a group of people with dementia. I started doing this job since 2011. Firstly, this is a very good chance to me to payback society; secondly, it is also an opportunity to practise what I learn in school . At the beginning, I went to the centre every Thursday. After I took up full time course, I only went there during the school holidays.

When I went back to the community centre this holiday, people congratulated me on how my English had significant improved during the time. I was not longer standing there and thinking about what I was going to say. I found I talked to people or conduct my job  more fluently and confidently. This was a great encouragement for me, it reminded me that I had to concentrate more on English learning and do the tasks deligently.

I have to say, since I've attended speaking classes this semester, I've improved a lot of my communication strategies and skills. That is a really positive feedback from the AEFS class.