This is a legendary woman who appears on the $20 note of Australia. Her name is Mary Reibey. Why was she unusual, there was a story about a woman from a convict became a successful businesswoman.
On 12 May 1777, Mary Reibey was born in England. She was jailed by stealing when only 14 years old. She was sentenced 7 years transportation and so was sent to Australia in 1792. She met her husband Thomas Reibey in Sydney and married him when she was 17. Not long after they married, Thomas started their family business and it gradualy developed into an international companty which trading activities extented to many countries in Asian.
However, a flash in the pan, Thomas Reibey died on 5 April 1811. Mary took over his husband's business and extanded it very well. Not only that, she had developed a new business which was banking, the Bank of New South Wales.
By the time of her retirement, She was interested in the church and education. A good reputation made her was appointed as a Governor in a Free Grammar School in 1825.
In 1855, a motivated and smart woman passed away with honour. She left lots of properties and wealth to her later generation.
Read her full story, please visit website:
Very good work Mimi! I'll print out your post and correct the few little mistakes you've made and then you can edit them and fix up your post!